High Plains

Enjoy the night sky

Pull your car over to the side of the road in the country and take in the stars, as the relative scarcity of cities and the 180 degree horizons offer spectacular views of the kind a city dweller has never seen.


Ride horses or birdwatch in palo duro canyon, lake meredith recreation area, and a number of other grassland parks in the area.

Be a ranch hand

temporarily at bar h dude ranch in clarendon. experience ranch life first hand, or just watch and learn. other area ranches can be found near pampa, canadian, borger, and memphis.

Watch a sunset

The lack of trees blocking the horizon makes for spectacular sunsets.

Tour Wheeler County

In the far eastern high plains. two to six hour tours visit various old buildings and sites in wheeler, surrounding ranchland, and mobeetie, the oldest town in the panhandle, now almost a ghost town. for information, call 888 826 3790 or 806 826 3790. wheeler is located 16 miles north of shamrock near the oklahoma border.